Have been able to create this till now. Was also able to show the other details of the stock like prev day closing price, todays opening price, high price, low price etc threough graphics... but now am planning to use table instead. Need to put better color schemes in the charts. Am also planning to make this a single cloumn chart instead of two column and then add a mouselistener. On moving mouse over a particular chart a new panel will slowly come out from under the frame that will be much bigger and show the chart in a bigger scale.
Also, thought a lot about this last night while sleeping and have decided to add the following features.
On single click on the graph - show one month chart on daily data from database
On double click show one year chart with daily data from database.
Table to have current portfolio at the top portion and reccomendations at the bottom portion with links for buy and sell.
In portfolio, if share price is going up will change color to green else to red. If no change then black.