Saturday, May 24, 2008

New formula

I got a new formula over the weekend. According to this the following are going to go up... out of these the ones with low volumes are risky as you may not be able to sell them off once bought...
SYMBOL Closing Price Volume on Friday Tot trd Val on Friday
GINNIFILA 12.3 328776 3951490
SOFTTECHGR 30.1 38438 1149470
GENESYS 113.25 7862 889522
HINDSYNTEX 5.1 830 4107
NAGREEKCAP 81.85 488 38592.9
PDUMJEIND 26.7 425 11308.8
SAMBHAAV 3.15 306 897.4
DTIL 123 250 30650
PANORAMUNI 77.9 238 18138.4
SSWL 145 130 18797.5
BLUECOAST 191.05 105 19915.3
BHARATRAS 73.85 105 7387.25
ZODIACLOTH 434 94 40646

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today's Update

MSKPROJ has gone upto 96.25 today. Although volumes are so low it was not worth buying.
For tomorrow, buy CESC at 497 and GVKPIL at 54.55. Both are type 1 stocks though, which mean risk is higher. But checked the graphs on NSE and it looked as if these are going to go up all right.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Tomorrow

For tomorrow
Symbol           Type        Buy Price
MSKPROJ     1             93.50035

Update for Friday's stocks

For the stocks predicted on Friday, here's the latest update as of Wednesday 3:00 pm.
SYMBOL Buy Price Today's Price Growth
ESCORTS 104.71205 108.8 3.903991947
ENIL 425.15426 447.4 5.232392591
GTL 254.38493 252.25 -0.839251759
HARRMALAYA 103.72695 122.7 18.29134087
HTMEDIA 143.88848 141.5 -1.659952207
MAHLIFE 646.65038 626.8 -3.069723704
HARRMALAYA 103.72695 122.7 18.29134087
MSPL 51.41899 58 12.79879282
NELCO 103.23761 112.7 9.16564225
SUZLON 302.56007 308.75 2.045851589
TNPETRO 18.90296 25.4 34.37049012
VAKRANSOFT 255.13895 275.9 8.137154284
Look at the growth rates man...  :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Here's the list I had predicted on Friday to go up and the prices today.... Look at the growth rates... Amazing isn't it?
SYMBOL Type Buy Price Current Price Growth
ESCORTS 1 104.71205 106.05 -0.795134202
GTL 1 254.38493 253.6 -0.529512007
HTMEDIA 1 143.88848 142.55 0.316676234
MSPL 1 51.41899 56.8 10.07752116
TNPETRO 1 18.90296 23.05 20.05207459
ENIL 2 425.15426 431.85 0.36021807
HARRMALAYA 2 103.72695 102.25 -2.526216861
NELCO 2 103.23761 102.45 -2.05545082
SUZLON 2 302.56007 318.45 3.409644288
VAKRANSOFT 2 255.13895 275.25 8.902077151
MAHLIFE 2 646.65038 627.8 -2.839903417